Saturday, February 14, 2015

Guest Post: There's Devilry Afoot!

Guest writer Jonas E. Hill offers his insightful take on the latest shenanigans of religious conservatives, particularly their on going beef with President Obama's alleged "Muslim" sympathies. 

Join me, dear readers, in welcoming to the blog the literary talents of Mr. Jonas E. Hill, an acquaintance of this writer who will occasionally be contributing his own unique perspective on any and all things, starting with today's guest post. Enjoy!

There’s Devilry Afoot! – Religious Paranoia in ‘Murica

Jonas E. Hill

It’s a rather odd feeling to be an American these days. On the one hand, our country is one of the most advanced (if not the THE MOST advanced) nation in the Western world, especially the English speaking world. Our history is replete with the names of famous Inventors and Scientists who either called America their home sweet home from childhood (such as Thomas Alva Edison), or pulled up their roots and immigrated here to pursue and win their fortune (such as the Serbian-born, later naturalized American citizen and celebrated scientist Nikola Tesla). These men (and women, I haven’t forgotten you ladies) have made life more happy, comfortable and worth living for their nation, not to mention the entire human race, through their creativity and their dedication to their calling which it must be said they truly loved.

And yet despite the fact that Americans can now walk down the street with a hand-held super computer/telephone in their pocket, despite the fact that we now have medicines that can cure diseases that only a century ago were a certain death sentence, despite the fact that the American nation placed a human being on another planet, the nation still remains the laughing stock of the modern 21st century Industrial world. For indeed, despite the undeniable progress of science  and the hard work of scientists nationwide, and world-wide, a shocking percentage of the American population (nearly 30% to be precise) believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible. 

Furthermore, they are prepared to uphold by all means necessary (including their fists and their firearms) a Bronze-Age Creation mythology, to the point that they have come to view any point of view (however similar in insanity to their own) as a grave threat to be destroyed by fire and sword. And they will be damned before they let any other religion or philosophy share equal rights under the law as their own faith has.

Now, before we proceed, a disclaimer. I am not in any way arguing for the destruction of religion. I am not arguing for or against atheism/agnosticism, nor attempting to disrespect anyone’s spirituality or lack thereof.What I say is this: If indeed you must believe, then believe sanely. Believe with an open mind (it is difficult, it may require you to stop taken everything so literally, but it is possible, if you try). And yes, there were a number of eminent scientists throughout human history, up to the present day, who maintained their faith in some sort of higher power, but nevertheless recognized that the Holy Books of the world are not the final authority on anything in life.

To illustrate my point, let us explore the ravings of a long-time member of America’s vaunted religious conservative movement, Mr. Don Feder, journalist and Communications Director of the World Congress of Families (a notoriously anti-gay organization which praises, among other things, former atheist and Communist Party member now turned Eastern Orthodox zealot, Russian President Vladimir Putin). 

Mr. Feder has decided to try the usual dirty trick that is the desperate last resort of the American Religious Right: blame the “Other”, criticize and demonize those who are different or disagree. In this case, the nefarious “Other” is Islam. While indeed the Islamic religion is no stranger to fanatical zeal and fundamentalist belief, (illustrated by the hideous blood bath raging in the Middle East) the point that needs to be made is how very similar these religions really are, especially when it comes to fundamentalism, violence and cruelty, and the ongoing attempt to maintain a literalist interpretation of their respective holy scriptures in a scientific, evidence based 21st century in which nearly all their claims as to the nature of the universe have been proven false.

Again, let me reiterate: I have nothing against Christianity, Judaism, or Islam or any other religion. As I said before, I will now say again for those who would try to scream bigotry to silence critics; IF YOU MUST BELIEVE, THEN BELIEVE SANELY. BELIEVE WITH RESPECT TO YOUR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS, AND THEIR RIGHTS TO DISAGREE.

Mr. Don Feder opens his latest tantrum with a reference to the current American President being a secret Muslim. (A popular tactic for American religious conservatives), saying:

“Our president has been called Islam's principal Western apologist. But that's like calling the Chief Rabbi of Israel kind of Jewish, or Lindsay Lohan sort of messed up. In fact, from his 2009 Cairo speech to last Friday's Sermon on the Mosque, it's been nothing less than slavish devotion: the Muslim Brotherhood is "secular," the Ft. Hood massacre was "workplace violence," the Taliban is "an armed insurgency" (but not terrorist), initially, Benghazi was caused by an anti-Mohammed video, "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam," the muezzin's call to prayer is "one of the sweetest sounds on earth," and on and on ad nauseam.

 In the coming Caliphate, maybe he'll be the Sheik of Chicago or the Imam O.

 At the Prayer Breakfast, after his faux Buddhist greeting to the Dali Lama, the alleged leader of the Free World pledged to "push back against those who would distort our religion for their nihilist ends." Which religion?”

I think this calls for an appropriate response. Ladies and gentlemen, I do not vote, I do not belong to a political party, and view the whole process as rather silly. I view education and the search for truth through the scientific method and through philosophical debate to be a more constructive action. So in the name of truth, remember this:

President Barack Obama is a Christian. He has said so in his own words, and here is but one example in which he has discussed his religion and how it has shaped his views of the world. Are we clear? Christians, if you hate the American President, remember that he belongs to your own religion. What does that say about Christian brotherhood? Better yet, if you think the President is terrible at his job, and he draws inspiration in his life and work from Christianity… what does that say about the faith? 

Consider these things carefully before you open your mouths to criticize.

While we are on the subject of Christianity let me say a word about the beloved “National Prayer Breakfast”.  The event is a yearly gathering started in 1953, in which Christian leadership from around America and the world at large gather for a day of meals and speeches. The event has drawn such notable conservative activists as Dr. Ben Carson, the famous American surgeon who doesn’t seem to actually believe in science, Christian fundamentalist writer Eric Metaxas, Christian screenwriter Randall Wallace (who wrote the screenplay for Braveheart) and a slew of other prominent religious American citizens.

Another issue of note is that in addition to a host of US Senators and Congressman, every American President since Dwight Eisenhower has attended the National Prayer Breakfast and many, if not all, have made speeches. This leads me to ask the question: In a nation which has clearly laid out in its legal code that no religion is to be shown any preference over another religion (the pseudo – scholarly assertions of so called Christian legal “experts” like David Barton to the contrary notwithstanding), or that religion should not be shown preference over non-religion, why are American politicians, especially the Head of State, the President, attending these events?

 Don Feder claimed in the above quoted excerpt from his article that Obama may become the leader of an American caliphate. A caliphate is an Islamic nation governed directly by Sharia law. Mr. Feder and his conservative friends are terrified of an Islamic government taking root in America… and yet they live in a nation where the overwhelming majority (76% in fact) of people identify as Christians, and political leaders are attending religious prayer conferences, openly endorsing the Christian faith over other faiths and beliefs in the American nation.

Their argument, like so many others, is patently absurd.

Moving on to further points, this past year the leader of the Buddhist world, The Dalai Lama attended the National Prayer Breakfast, and the American President greeted him warmly… once again, Mr. Feder and company are outraged that this took place; yet I would suspect they are outraged that the Dalai Lama was invited to this event at all. The answer is simple – the President should not be attending any prayer meetings as a political leader; however if he does so, than he must show respect to ALL RELIGIONS in attendance. Not just the religion which Mr. Feder and his Christian friends prefer.

And, finally, we will end with one final quote from Mr. Feder’s lengthy article;
Two strains converge to shape Obama's attitude toward Islam. There's nostalgia – for his Moslem boyhood in Indonesia (so innocent, so carefree, so harmonious) and his absentee dad – combined with the left's worldview.

As I said before – the President is a Christian, and has said so with own lips. So religious conservatives, please stop lying (it is a sin, after all). As for the President having an absent father – this is an absolutely irrelevant point in the discussion, so I will not dignify it with a response. And finally, Mr. Feder rages that the President is a political leftist. Well, my only answer to that is that if you are a fundamentalist Christian (or in the case of Mr. Feder, a Christian apologist), and you take your scripture literally, without question, than Jesus made it quite clear that he himself was a man of left wing politics. For the sake of argument, let us entertain the literal view of the Bible. Even from this point of view, it is clear:  Jesus opposed the rich, opposed the established religious authorities of his time, and his followers were the impoverished peasants of Israel, prostitutes, and the sick and disabled. This is reflected in Jesus’s own words when he said:

"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God. (Matthew 19:24)"

And furthermore:

"…and whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple—truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward." (Matthew 10:42)

Which leads me to my conclusion: Don Feder, World Congress of Families, all you religious conservatives, whoever you may be, whatever church you belong to – stop complaining, and start HELPING people…. The sick, the dying, the hungry, the poor. Stop worrying about people’s sex lives, stop worrying about trying to put the Ten Commandments in public buildings, and stop worrying about what church/and or any other holy place of worship the President attends. Jesus has commanded you to do it – are you going to disobey him?

As for the very concept of a “National Prayer Breakfast”, keep in mind your Lord’s words:
And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, so that they may be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward.  But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. (Matthew 6:5-6)

Thank you for reading, Christians and Non-Christians alike.

Peace be upon you all. 

If you enjoyed the content of this post, check out my best-selling e-book, Dragon Heart, available in the Kindle Store on As always, comments and feedback are encouraged.

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